An Innocent Man? Really?

Reality Roundup Donald Trump, Convicted Felon Some people find that it’s easier to hate than to wait anymore. I know you don’t want to hear what I say. I know you’re gonna keep turning away. . . You know you only hurt yourself out of spite. I guess you’d rather be a martyr tonight That’sContinue reading “An Innocent Man? Really?”

The 3 Day Blowback*

That was quick. Ronna McDaniel didn’t last as long as Liz Truss. Or a lettuce. Friday, March 22, 2024: In its typically dry, “objective,” Gray Lady style, The New York Times headline simply stated: Ronna McDaniel, Former R.N.C. Chair, Joins NBC News The mealy-mouthed coverage informed us that, The hire adds a reliably conservative voiceContinue reading “The 3 Day Blowback*”

Fifty States of Freedom

Reality Roundup Still hoping . . . The State of Something Give this woman an Oscar! Wait, you mean that’s not Scarlett Johnansson? New York Times: Majority of Biden’s 2020 Voters Now Say He’s Too Old to Be Effective A New York Times/Siena College poll revealed how much even his supporters worry about his age,Continue reading “Fifty States of Freedom”

Just a Story from America

Reality Roundup Fun with Headlines Sean Hannity Announces He’s “Left New York for Good” I don’t know why you were here in the first place. Trump Finally Releases His “Proof” That the 2020 Election Was Stolen It’s a 32-page PDF. Just type this into your browser: chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/ Why Haley Won’t Break Through Simple: MAGA onlyContinue reading “Just a Story from America”

Reality Roundup V

Oh, I Understand Perfectly A couple of weeks back we were treated to the heart-stopping news that the Supreme Court had adopted a “code of ethics.” It took no time at all for even the least perceptive among us to realize that this “code” is toothless, meaningless, and an amateurish attempt to throw the publicContinue reading “Reality Roundup V”

60 Years Ago: Camelot Comedy

The First Family (Cadence, 1962) — Vaughn Meader and others On November 22, 1963, this comedy album was the the biggest-selling album of the year, the biggest selling album in history, the fastest-selling album in history, had been No. 1 for 12 weeks in the first months of the year, and was probably still onContinue reading “60 Years Ago: Camelot Comedy”

Oh No’s, It Happened Again!

Donnie in the Dock 2.0 Fani Willis: The night the lights came on in Georgia. Is it just me or does Trump seem really worried this time? So much so that he actually obeyed his lawyers for once and backed out of his announced news conference that he would present “irrefutable” evidence that he wasContinue reading “Oh No’s, It Happened Again!”